About Us

Helping Oregon Residents Keep Up With 2030 State Renewable Energy Goals

When we at Sunward Power see Orgeon residents worried about how their energy usage is going to comply with Oregon’s new renewable energy goals by 2030, we can’t help but use our expertise to provide the renewable energy solutions that give residents peace of mind. Navigating the ever-changing environmental policies in Oregon can be overwhelming, leaving you uncertain about your energy future for your family or loved ones. We wake up every morning believing that everyone deserves to feel secure in their energy future, without worrying about where their power will come from.

Providing Peace Of Mind And Energy Security

Knowing that we play a vital role in providing you peace of mind through our renewable energy solutions inspires us to maintain the highest standards of quality and service. Our dedicated employees at Sunward Power work tirelessly to provide solar panel installation, battery installation, and at-home generators that are specifically designed to meet the unique energy needs of Oregon residents. We take pride in offering personalized solutions that empower our customers to achieve energy independence and peace of mind. 

Industry Standard Approach

We wanted to make our process simple and easy to follow to ensure the best possible experience. Our aim is not only to provide relief and security for your energy future but also to make the journey enjoyable and exciting. Below is our three-step process to secure your future with renewable energy.

Our Process

Schedule a Consultation

With our help, you will decide on the appropriate system size for your home and commission solar system installation.

Get a Renewable Energy Plan

We will walk you through the permitting process for installing residential solar panels.

Secure Your Energy Future

Sunward Power technicians will install your solar panels, ensuring clean energy in your home for decades.

Our Solar Partners

Top Solar Company in Portland

Considering solar panel installation?

Learn why solar power is the fastest-growing source of energy in the world and how it can benefit you.